Though it seems Sir Alec Guinness is depicted as a villain in the film Cromwell (also splendidly portrayed by Richard Harris), the historical events would have been seen differently by both royalists and Irish, both who suffered at the hands of the mad tyrant, Oliver Cromwell. That no less than Continue Reading
President Trump Reconstructs World Trade Order
Burning problematic books has a problematic history
Burning problematic books has a problematic history — Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) July 6, 2020
China Uses “I Can’t Breathe” – Episode #28
It was disturbing to see people in China have the nerve to discuss the chaos inflicted in the United States by Marxist front groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa without irony. Be very careful making such statements, as your country has been legitimately accused of committing genocide of Uyghurs, Continue Reading
Why Kazakhstan is Changing Alphabets
Understanding China’s Sexuality
China Worships A Bizarre Fake Communist Hero
A quote on this Youtube channel describes “Lei Feng” phenomenon perfectly: When reading the way CPC describes Lei Feng, as a person who always tried to do his best for the party, I am reminded of the character “BOXER” from George Orwell’s Animal Farm” . Boxer always tried to do Continue Reading
We are not Pakistani: Mazdak Baloch (BBC Hindi)
The Balochistan Documentary (latest)
Pakistan has a lot to answer for. Case in point – the Balochi crisis.
Tiananmen Massacre – Tank Man: The 1989 Chinese Student Democracy Movement
Never, ever forget.